My name is Tubby Frederickson, I'm a computer guru, and an independent
associate with a NASDAQ corporation that offers very innovative products to
broadband and non broadband telephone users. I saw your email address on a forum
that was discussing broadband and telephone issues. Right now we are offering
unlimited local and long distance calling throughout North America for only
$19.95 a month. For those who don't have broadband the cost is still a
meagre $61.00 a month. For an additional $30.00 a month you can add on unlimited
calling to Europe and Asia.
I purchased the plan three weeks ago. I don't market anything until I try
it, and know for a surety that my name is behind something that works correctly
and will be of great benefit to people.The call quality is excellent. You use
your regular telephones and not a headset. They also offer caller-id, call
waiting and one other feature for that low price. There are no hidden taxes to
worry about. If your computer is heavily used all day, then you will experience
signal drop out sometimes. If you are just running, Word, Excel, Access, and
surfing the web, the call quality will be just as good as going through
traditional telephone companies. If you would like to know more about these
amazing services we offer, email me at:
tubby_frederickson@charter.net I will then give you more details about where
and how you can take advantage of this amazing offer.
Thank You very much for taking a couple minutes of your valuable time to read
Tubby Frederickson