On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 07:07:42PM -0500, Corey Johnson
wrote:> Hello,
> I have been using rsync for a long time to send web files from a
> server to a production server. It worked great
> until a few days ago when I upgraded the firmware on the Linksys BEFSR11
> Router that the production server is behind. The development server is also
> behind the same model router, and both servers are connected to the cable
> network (Internet) using Surfboard cable modems.
> I tried playing with the different options, changing router settings,
> tunneling through SSH, and I even upgraded the firmware on the other
> I upgraded my RPM from 2.5.5 to 2.5.6 but still no luck.
> Here's the Problem:
> When I run "rsync -avvvv dev.dyn-ip.cbll.net::static
/www/static/", it runs
> through making the file list, which is very slow. It finishes
> that though, and then it gets done and here is where it seems like it
> generate_files phase=1
> recv_files(cbll.net/audio/From The Heavens.mp3)
> cbll.net/audio/From The Heavens.mp3
> data recv 32768 at 0
> data recv 32768 at 32768
> data recv 32768 at 65536
> At that point, it has been sitting here for almost 30 minutes since I
> started the command. That Mp3 file there is about 3 MB. When I rsync the
> HTML files, it actually finishes syncing, but it takes a VERY long time.
> Internet connections appear to be
> working fine between the two servers, running Netstat on either end shows
> that there is an rsync connection, and the rsync process is running on both
> ends. Tunneling through SSH and changing the options produces the same
> result.
> I searched the web and I saw there were some issues
> concerning these routers and rsync, but none of them seemed to apply to my
> setup.
> I can successfully rsync between 2 dirs in the filesystem or 2 machines on
> the same LAN, but not over the Internet through
> the routers. Ports 873 and 22 are fowarded on both routers to the proper IP
> address.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated! I will change my network setup
> before I will use FTP/SFTP to transfer files!
> The setup:
> Production Server (I am rsyncing to):
> Linksys Router BEFSR11 With Firmware Version 1.45.7 (Jul 31 2003)
> RedHat Linux 9.0
> rsync 2.5.6
> kernel 2.4.20
> Development server (I am rsyncing from):
> Linksys BEFSR41 Router with Firmware Version 1.45.7 as well.
> RedHat Linux 8.0
> rsync 2.5.5
> kernel 2.4.14
> My Internet connection is a cable connection, and the two machines connect
> to the same local cable network (they are only
> about 3 miles apart from each other. I don't think that my ISP has
> to do with it. I have tried pushing data to the production server (run
> rsyncd on the production server) and pulling it from the development server
> (run rsyncd on dev server)..neither worked. Again, this worked fine until I
> did that firmware upgrade.
I'll assume the only thing that changed was the firmware and
suggest that the new firmware is buggy. It sounds like
the typical "firewall drops connection" problem. Try
reverting the firmware and see if the problem persists.
If reverting fixes the problem or you cannot revert you
should file a bug report with Linksys.
J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
email address: jw@pegasys.ws
Remember Cernan and Schmitt