On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 06:09:06PM -0400, Jason KRISCH
wrote:> I hope someone can answer this. I saw another post about this but it
> had no answer.
> How do you exclude entire dirs???
> I have RTFM, RTF FAQ, RTF Mailing List Archives, and still I can't
> figure it out. ugh.
> I am using this:
> rsync -avz -e ssh --exclude=/Stuff /home/user/Data/Docs/
> remotePC:/home/user/Data/Docs/
That looks correct. If you add an extra -v rsync will show
the patnames as they match the exclude patterns.
> but "Stuff" is always synched. The actual path to
"Stuff" is:
> /home/user/Data/Docs/Stuff
> I have tried:
> --exclude "/Stuff/"
> --exclude "/Stuff"
> --exclude "/home/user/Data/Docs/Stuff/"
> --exclude=/Stuff
> --exclude=/Stuff/
> --exclude=/Stuff/*
> --exclude=/home/user/Data/Docs/Stuff
> etc, etc.
> I really need to know how to do this.... thanks in advance!!!
> --
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J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
email address: jw@pegasys.ws
Remember Cernan and Schmitt