This is the rsync mailing list, not one of the ssh mailing
lists. Please stay on-topic.
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:01:40PM +0200, Lawrence Strydom
wrote:> Hi Guys,
> Here is the setup.
> LVS NAT cluster with director (dir), backup director (bdir), and two
> realservers (rs1 and rs2) running apache webserver.
> SSH DSA key-based authentication set up between rs1 and rs2 in order to
> facilitate automated (via cron) mirorring of htdocs directories. All
> works fine untill I decide to host DNS on the same cluster. As soon as I
> start BIND on rs1, ssh no longer works to this machine. It just hangs
> without any login prompt or error message. If I do #telnet rs1 22
> I get a connection so the server is definitely running.
> The only clue I have is a line in my log file at bind startup: "the
> default for the 'auth-nxdomain' option is now no"
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> --
> Lawrence Strydom
> Systems Integrator
> MidAfrica Software / RPC Data
> Tel: +27 21 402 1180
> Fax: +27 21 421 0882
> email:
> --
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