Does the actual transfer work, apart from taking a lot
of time?
If so, then the behavior is normal for rsync. What
happens is that rsync sends a lot of small packets
containing checksums, which is very expensive on
cygwin/windows. If you want, I can send you patched
sources (from Craig Barratt originally) and a
precompiled binary for cygwin that is much faster on
windows. Hopefully these patches will migrate to the
next rsync or cygwin release.
Regards, Greger
--- Sarah Barwig <> skrev: > Hi,>
> The subject line pretty much says it all. Oh, that
> plus I'm tearing my
> hair out trying to get it all to play nice together.
> rsync version = 2.5.5 protocol version 26
> OpenSSH_3.5p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL
> 0x0090608f
> cygwin -- downloaded in the last 3 days from
> official mirrors.
> I'm trying to make one Win2k box rsync with another
> Win2k box. I managed
> to get it such that an initial rsync (box A pushed
> bunches o' files to
> box B) was slow, but functional.
> Trying to make a second rsync occur has completely
> escaped me. ssh hogs
> up 99.9% of the CPU (on box A, the "sender"), a
> profiler shows not much
> in the way of actual traffic going out of box A, box
> B remains mostly
> idle, occasionally getting something from rsync.
> Any pointers on where I can find the solution to
> this problem? (Aside
> from sticking a freakin' Debian box in between the
> Win2k boxes because
> they can both talk to a 3rd Debian box I have access
> to for testing, but isn't
> really an option for daily usage.)
> Thanks,
> SarahB
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