Does the --ignore-existing option do what you want? It will probably recurse
into the existing directories, but ignore all regular files that already exist.
- Dave Dykstra
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 01:01:03AM +0100, Robert Raszuk
> All,
> I can't find a way to achive something probably quite wired :).
> say I have two unix folders (on different machines):
> /dst-top-1n/
> |
> dir-a
> | files
> |
> dir-b
> | files
> |
> dir-c
> | files
> /src-top-2/
> |
> dir-a
> | files
> |
> dir-b
> | files
> |
> dir-x
> | files
> Always src is top-2 & dst is top-1. All I need to do is to be able to
> send dir-x files to top-1 without even touching dir-a & dir-b simply
> because the overall tool does not have permissions to write access them.
> To make it more interesting there are 100s of those top-1 directories
> (each on different client machine), the rsync is fully automated, and
> the context of each of the top-1 dir differs. Sync is triggered by src.
> What I am really looking for is something like in the subject one liner
> knob which would compare dir-x directories on src/dst and perform no
> action under matching already dirs on both machines.
> Huge Thx - Rsync Rocks !!!!
> R.
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