rspec users - Feb 2011

Monday February 28 2011
3:57AM 4 Simple Association Redirect on delete
Friday February 25 2011
9:30PM 7 Rspec2 for rails 2.3.8?
Thursday February 24 2011
5:55PM 10 ordering dependency in tests?
4:39PM 4 Support for rspec-2 and rails 2.3.x
6:35AM 3 RSpec doesn't see the DATA constant
Wednesday February 23 2011
3:29PM 6 Validations aren't being performed when running 'rspec spec'
2:35AM 3 Rake generate - not generating spec files
Tuesday February 22 2011
3:19PM 0 Stubbed static methods are bleeding over into other specs and making them fail
11:13AM 2 Stubbing Sleep
Monday February 21 2011
7:45PM 1 Rspec is swallowing undefined methods in it's method_missing and looping forever
12:18PM 4 object_instance.reload and print out a message placed in the model
Sunday February 20 2011
11:12PM 4 rspec not loading rails files- uninitialized constant error
7:54PM 1 What are all available config options?
Thursday February 17 2011
9:59PM 1 New, clueless, confused...and thinking JQuery+MongoID is breaking my template code examples...
Wednesday February 16 2011
11:31PM 1 Order of execution of specs
2:34PM 2 it_behaves_like and running single examples
12:24PM 4 [rspec-rails] Exception catching in controller
5:54AM 3 stubbing gets undone?
1:43AM 1 RSpec Error - "Invalid Option"
Tuesday February 15 2011
5:25PM 3 TypeError: can't convert RSpec::Mocks::Mock to Hash
4:35PM 4 Stubbing Scopes
3:22PM 0 tcmalloc error running rspec spec using ree
11:11AM 2 Not loading RSpec::Rails::MailerExampleGroup
Monday February 14 2011
9:08PM 6 (Bad) Memory Leak in RSpec 2
6:31PM 3 stubbing out after_create AR method?
4:21AM 0 feedback on feature request requested
Saturday February 12 2011
3:10AM 2 mocking an AR: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch error
Friday February 11 2011
11:05PM 2 Controller Specs - undefined local variable or method 'app'
4:28PM 2 testing a collection
4:04PM 3 Problem with rendering JSON
12:00PM 1 Current test failing?
12:29AM 2 Pull requests via Github - To Fork or Not? That is the Question.
Thursday February 10 2011
8:19PM 0 Control order of spec files for an integration test?
6:40PM 5 hash form of stub_chain returning nil for chains with shared first message
12:49PM 0 Opinions sought on feature/pull request
Wednesday February 9 2011
11:36PM 1 using before(:all) for cheap benchmark?
1:49AM 3 Excluding a spec subdirectory from rake spec
Tuesday February 8 2011
5:49PM 1 Why use DatabaseCleaner with rSpec?
5:25PM 3 Model validation failing in rspec for unknown reason
Sunday February 6 2011
5:27PM 0 rspec-core-2.5.1 is released!
4:17PM 0 rspec-2.5.0 is released!
6:18AM 2 Controller Testing + Devise = boom (undefined @controller, request)
3:30AM 0 Rspec test for correct file search
Saturday February 5 2011
9:29PM 2 routing error for a name-spaced nested controller
1:49PM 1 debugger in controller in rspec
Friday February 4 2011
3:20PM 0 `:example` and `:group` scope aliases
9:30AM 2 custom matchers for request specs
Thursday February 3 2011
6:40PM 2 Possible to ask rspec to show more code in the debugger?
2:18PM 7 Is there a way to tell rspec not to fail the test while in debugger?
12:24AM 1 Autotest Errors
Wednesday February 2 2011
2:42PM 1 [RAILS] [rspec 2.4.0] helper spec works but rails escapes all output
Tuesday February 1 2011
9:40AM 11 array order-agnostic matching?