rspec users - Jan 2011

Monday January 31 2011
2:31PM 0 feedback on feature request
12:26PM 0 Command with -l and shared examples
10:38AM 0 Are there test:recent, test:uncommitted task alternative for RSpec
Sunday January 30 2011
9:48AM 5 Named routes problem... more rails than rspec
9:16AM 6 Is there an easy way to inject each example text into test.log
Friday January 28 2011
9:12PM 0 undefined method `stub!' for
Thursday January 27 2011
10:56PM 14 Difference between :each and :all
10:34PM 1 Relish documentation for RSpec
9:45PM 1 rspec-rails 2 adding current account helper to all view specs
1:48PM 5 feedback on matcher
Wednesday January 26 2011
9:03PM 1 --tty vs. --color
4:07PM 1 checking order of method calls on different mocks
3:26PM 3 Comparing two XML documents
2:47PM 0 class/type coercion in ruby blog post
2:43PM 2 changes in rspec 2.4 break ci_reporter
Monday January 24 2011
9:19PM 5 [newbie] CSS navigation in controller response?
11:33AM 4 specing nested models
Saturday January 22 2011
11:30PM 1 uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::ERB (NameError)
Friday January 21 2011
3:32PM 2 Arrange Act Assert (AAA) style syntax for rspec2
2:12PM 1 Problem with before(:all)
Thursday January 20 2011
9:51PM 4 No command 'rspec' found
7:32PM 5 'require'ing files from other directories
2:17PM 2 detecting status of a spec in after block
12:13PM 1 Cucumber problems
5:59AM 0 writing specs for Padrino using RSpec
Wednesday January 19 2011
9:53PM 1 parse!: invalid option "--autotest"
11:49AM 0 capturing screenshots on test failures
1:50AM 2 require confusion
Tuesday January 18 2011
2:15PM 13 major release required?
Monday January 17 2011
10:14PM 2 Redis and RSpec: Redis returning wildly inconsistent results
6:40PM 1 Using integrate_views for all controller specs
3:48PM 9 Best Practice for Controllers
2:29AM 3 Performance tests using Rspec
Sunday January 16 2011
11:52PM 10 Aidmock - safe mocking
10:47PM 4 Sudden rspec problem
7:35PM 1 formatting of one-line specs - question
9:46AM 2 Rspec2 partial view gives nil:NilClass. Why?
Saturday January 15 2011
3:57AM 5 [rspec-rails] how to test module behavior once and then confirm that controllers implement it?
Friday January 14 2011
4:29PM 7 autospec on rails keep rerunning on failed case, and never stop.
4:15PM 4 Rails 3 / RSpec 2 use_transactional_fixtures and after_commit
3:56PM 2 rspec 2.4 incorrect time reported
10:07AM 1 session variable not available in global before(:each, :type => :controller)
6:19AM 5 found some inconsistently behavior on its method.
Thursday January 13 2011
10:10PM 5 Problem with output at running specs
9:53PM 2 Rspec Nested Resources: Can someone offer an 'update' example?
9:17PM 3 `rake spec` with rails 3.0.3 and rspec-rails 2.4.1
2:08PM 2 Preloading of data in rspec2
5:39AM 2 RSpec 2.4, named/restful routes falling apart...
1:04AM 0 Spec output no longer displays with results
Wednesday January 12 2011
5:42PM 1 No examples were matched.
8:19AM 2 Installing rspec 2 for Rails 3
7:45AM 2 Results in rspec 2.4.0
Tuesday January 11 2011
6:32PM 2 when using command line -l, why do tests from other describe blocks run?
Monday January 10 2011
9:37PM 3 RSpec newbie ran rspec 2.4 on WinXP, got HOME undefined
Friday January 7 2011
11:17PM 2 How to test scripts in the lib directory of Rails?
5:58PM 2 Stumped with nil Class error
5:34PM 2 "No route matches" error?
1:49AM 1 no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask
Thursday January 6 2011
11:27PM 1 View specs - best practices
8:39PM 4 Feedback Requested (pretty please)
Wednesday January 5 2011
5:54PM 4 Cookie value set in spec, but controller can't read it
5:11PM 3 Writing a matcher that accepts a block
7:54AM 1 after changing text in "it" block -e and -l options not working
Tuesday January 4 2011
3:31PM 2 Looking for a gem which uses rspec for testing and tests need to deal with database
Monday January 3 2011
6:59AM 0 rspec-rails-2.4.1 is released!
Sunday January 2 2011
10:42PM 11 rspec-rails-2.4.0 is released!
10:42PM 0 rspec-2.4.0 is released!
1:55PM 0 Fantastic Thread on Mock Objects
11:42AM 3 undefined method `run_all' for :Array