2009-Apr-10 14:56 UTC
[rspec-users] where''s an example of an RSpec''d Rails or Merb site with RJS calls?
RSpeckers: The time has come to plug assert_rjs_ into a matcher providing a grammar like "should generate_js_to :replace_html...". Does anyone have a lite website that uses Ajax and RSpec, for a reference implementation? I need non-trivial challenges... -- Phlip
2009-Apr-10 23:28 UTC
[rspec-users] where''s an example of an RSpec''d Rails or Merb site with RJS calls?
> The time has come to plug assert_rjs_ into a matcher providing a grammar > like "should generate_js_to :replace_html...". > > Does anyone have a lite website that uses Ajax and RSpec, for a > reference implementation? I need non-trivial challenges...Whoa - this''n sure hit the spot! Ajax vs Cucumber!