similar to: where''s an example of an RSpec''d Rails or Merb site with RJS calls?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "where''s an example of an RSpec''d Rails or Merb site with RJS calls?"

2009 Feb 01
undefined method `inherit'' for Merb::Test::ExampleGroup
RSpeckers: I''m trying to install this into a Merb-generated RSpec rig: It requires inserting their test case into RSpec. This is the documented way to do it: describe ''Post'' do inherit FixtureDependencies::SequelTestCase And that leads to the syntax error in the subject line. (No stack trace is available
2006 Oct 30
domain language?
RSpeckers: I went with RSpec instead of Systir because I downloaded and installed the former first. (I know that''s not exactly a ringing endorsement! ;-) I want to compete with FIT and Fitnesse, like this: (Click on a Green Bar to distend one test case.) I want a domain-specific language in the parchment-colored area on the
2008 Feb 18
uh... fixtures?
RSpec-ers: I''m aware this is quite the FAQ. I have probably asked it myself, but I just can''t Google up anything but others asking it. I grabbed the source to Beast, to use as a Rails project uninfluenced by me, or RSpec. Then I installed the CURRENT version of RSpec and rspec_on_rails, and set up a model spec on Post. Here''s the spec_helper.rb lines:
2007 Apr 04
unit tests?
Ezra et al: I have this problem: Any progress on it? Or are unit tests simply impossible for now? -- Phlip <-- NOT a blog!!
2006 Nov 04
how to use LabellingFormBuilder
Railsers: As usual for a product written very rapidly, most of its documentation assumes some other documentation told you something critical. For example, the file form_helper.rb tempts me with this documentation: # <% form_for :person, @person, :url => { :action => "update" }, :builder => LabellingFormBuilder do |f| %> That''s beautiful. Now what do I
2006 Dec 27
Where did UJS go? UJS vs. RJS
I have not been able to access the UJS site, for two days. Does that mean there are problems or that it has been incorporated into Rails core? In general, what do you think of using UJS instead of RJS? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2007 Sep 21
Do fixture_scenarios and RSpec peacibly coexist?
Railsters: I just installed fixture_scenarios ... ...into a project with some RSpec specifications. They all went kablooey. I didn''t even create a scenario; the system just started calling its version of fixtures(). The normal tests pass and the RSpec ones unanimously emit: TypeError in ''Context (verbose
2008 Jun 21
Howto uninstall compiz from Kubuntu
Compiz: A colleague tempted me with compiz eye candy, and I tried it. Sorry, but many features were too far outside my usability comfort zone: - lazy mouse (in /this/ day and age???) - The Run window did not reliably pop up - minimize-all-windows turned everything black Some of those items were configurable. Some required multiple, diverse reconfigurations to fix. I couldn't fix the
2009 Mar 12
assert_xhtml - test your HTML by example
Rubies: My quest to get the maximum coverage & diagnostics from the leanest possible tests has reached a new level. This is a Rails functional test on an HTML form: user = users(:Moses) get :edit_user, :id => assert_xhtml do form :action => ''/users'' do fieldset do legend ''Personal Information''
2007 Feb 16
negate the regexp in validates_format_of
Railsters: ActiveRecord''s validation system puts other database systems to shame. However, the newbies might not know how to write a regexp that excludes a match, instead of tests for it. Understand - I''m just asking this question to help them. I have been using Regexps since ''grep'' on Xenix! But the newbies here might not know how to do this:
2009 Jul 06
how to make ZenTest autotest run whenever my tests change
Railsters: Despite Rails being the only Web platform designed for TDD, a lot of its test infrastructure is still "cargo cult" - imitating other test rigs instead of understanding their principles. Most importantly, tests should run instantly. There''s no excuse for breaking this rule, and if you invent a platform that can''t obey it then you are doing something
2008 Mar 10
Vancouver.rb Q&A with Brock Whitten on Rails, Getting Off Rails (Merb), PmpknPi (Blog in Merb) and More (Part I)
Hello, I''ve published a Q&A in the Vancouver.rb series with Brock Whitten. Questions include: * How did you get started with Ruby on Rails? What makes Ruby on Rails a great choice for developing web applications/sites? * Can you tell us some challenges you''ve faced developing using Ruby on Rails? * Off the Rails - Can you tell us a little bit about Merb? How
2009 Jan 20
[Cucumber, Merb, Webrat] undefined method ''response'' for Merb::Test::World::Webrat
Hello! I get the following error everytime I try to check the result of previous step (by the way, I use default result_steps.rb): undefined local variable or method `response'' for #<Merb::Test::World::Webrat:0x7f083c7860b8> (NameError) ./features/steps/result_steps.rb:14:in ` /^the (.*) ?request should fail/'' features/authentication/login.feature:17:in `/^the (.*)
2008 Mar 10
Vancouver.rb Q&A with Brock Whitten on Rails, Getting Off Rails (Merb), PmpknPi (Blog in Merb) and More (Part I)
Hello, I''ve published a Q&A in the Vancouver.rb series with Brock Whitten. Questions include: * How did you get started with Ruby on Rails? What makes Ruby on Rails a great choice for developing web applications/sites? * Can you tell us some challenges you''ve faced developing using Ruby on Rails? * Off the Rails - Can you tell us a little bit about Merb? How
2009 Apr 08
ADVANCED Rails Mailing List?
Is there an advanced rails mailing list? I''ve noticed that much of the issues on this list are for beginner to intermediate issues, and posters asking more advanced issues are rarely answered. I still find this list to be very useful, but I would love to find a community of more advanced RoR folks to discuss expert level implementations. -Kevin
2007 Aug 04
How do you run an app on "edge merb"?
I didn''t quite see a direct answer to Matt''s question regarding running merb from SVN: In a merb application, is there something comparable to having rails in the vendor/ folder of a rails app? Thanks, Duane Johnson (canadaduane)
2007 Nov 07
merb 0.4.0 session issue
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. I was running on merb edge fine a few days ago. Last night I went to merb 0.4.0 via gem install and now any call to session[:foo] causes an error >> undefined method ''[]'' for nil:NilClass I have uninstalled and reinstalled merb with no luck. dependencies.rb use_orm :activerecord merb.yml :session_store: active_record Gems
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2007 Jul 31
Deploying with Merb
After a half day''s work I''ve created a Merb app to handle file uploads for a Rails app. In my dev environment, I changed the views in the Rails app to point to Merb on port 4000. But now I''m stuck trying to figure out how to deploy my new Merb app on a production server. Looks like originally this was handled with a rewrite rule
2007 Sep 04
Couple of questions for Merb 0.4
All, I have just updated to the latest release of merb 0.4 and I am wondering how I can get my controller changes to reload without bouncing the server ? I am running in dev mode but my changes to my merb controller don''t seem to get picked up on new requests. Also say I have a controller that needs to render an alternate xml format ie something like: