rspec users - Nov 2008

Sunday November 30 2008
10:24PM 5 Ruby 1.9 - autospec loadpath problem
Saturday November 29 2008
7:47PM 0 Remote Features Screencast
Thursday November 27 2008
7:41PM 9 cucumber and autotest - running all features?
3:06PM 2 attributes method not working?
10:45AM 1 exactly(N).times incorrectly passing for N < actual
5:58AM 5 Restful Authentication and Cucumber
Wednesday November 26 2008
9:08PM 22 Variance in behaviour: rake features vs. autotest
2:42PM 6 Rake features vs. cucumber features
1:48PM 2 SOLVED Observer not calling inside a spec
11:04AM 3 ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error Cucumber/Webrat
10:08AM 7 Observer not calling inside a spec
4:16AM 2 matcher to see if radio button is selected at page load
3:27AM 5 could one scenario depend on another in cucumber?
3:07AM 4 rails associations
Tuesday November 25 2008
10:21PM 1 autospec broken - non-rails project
7:04PM 5 Q: is deprecated. How to mock?
4:09PM 2 Spec rendering xml.erb suspectly doen''t work
1:41PM 61 class << self considered harmful... really?
12:23PM 3 Cucumber Problems with setup selenium/webrat + languages
10:24AM 0 Rakefile to automatically generate Cucumber tasks
Monday November 24 2008
7:40PM 8 Cucumber Custom Logging
5:28PM 4 [Cucumber] single feature run produces duplicate features in HTMl report
4:16PM 7 calling a step from a step
6:43AM 10 Just trying out cucumber
Sunday November 23 2008
5:50PM 7 cucumber question - uninitialized constant creating object in model
Saturday November 22 2008
10:52PM 4 Features and conditions for those to be executed
Friday November 21 2008
6:18PM 7 How to spec a Rails helper method
6:15PM 57 Spec''ing via features
2:20PM 2 restful_authentication''s "permission_denied" and rspec
11:31AM 0 Backtrace for passing specs
10:55AM 1 Backtrace for passing specs via custom formatter
Thursday November 20 2008
7:30PM 8 Test::Unit Functional failure puzzle
6:44PM 13 Missing method implementation_backtrace
5:03PM 0 Webrat Google group
3:28PM 10 Cucumber: Group Given, Whens and Thens
10:32AM 7 Cucumber, Webrat and http basic auth
3:32AM 10 specifying which button webrat should press
Wednesday November 19 2008
9:09PM 6 RSpec, TestUnit, Cucumber and Autotest
8:50PM 0 Invitation to join RSpec Users
1:17PM 7 Testing on enter state
4:06AM 3 How to write advanced matchers
3:18AM 3 Extending the autotest discover rules
Tuesday November 18 2008
9:22PM 0 dealing with a retry inside of a rescue block
9:16PM 9 `add_scenario'': wrong, number of arguments (1 for 2)
7:28PM 2 Autospec only runs specs in spec/models/ folder
5:36PM 1 undefined method `white_list_sanitizer''
10:12AM 5 Cucumber - how to spec a quick search box
8:44AM 0 Spec''ing specific before_filters in controllers
5:41AM 8 Mocking and stubbing model relationships
3:19AM 2 Cucumber autotest load error between 0.1.8 and 0.1.9
Monday November 17 2008
11:25PM 0 How to use config.gem for rspec and rspec-rails
8:33PM 4 More Examples
1:00AM 2 Examples using cucumber, celerity, rspec
Sunday November 16 2008
7:40PM 7 How to kill a running spec
Saturday November 15 2008
12:13AM 3 undefined method `run?'' for Test::Unit:Module
Friday November 14 2008
3:25PM 2 Cucumber: Fix for Textmate syntax highlighting
12:25PM 10 LinkedIn Group
Thursday November 13 2008
7:02PM 13 webrat cannot find label?
6:49PM 5 Selecting a date with Webrat
5:41PM 2 Skipped steps running stealthily
4:51PM 4 Learning Cucumber
1:38PM 6 .with(:anything) issue
11:13AM 5 Autotest style autotest/rails_rspec doesn''t seem to exist. Aborting.
Wednesday November 12 2008
6:24PM 1 rspec-users Digest, Vol 29, Issue 48
6:00PM 2 Warning: cucumber and spec generators on rails 2.1.0
4:17PM 9 Cucumber Scaffolds
3:53PM 0 ANN Cucumber 0.1.9
2:38PM 9 Cucumber feature checking sort order of list
1:12PM 7 Cucumber: The Mysteries of Before(), After(), World() etc
9:18AM 12 testing an action which requires picture
5:22AM 1 Is this a bug?
12:25AM 9 Mixing in spec helper methods
Tuesday November 11 2008
11:16PM 5 what triggers "./script/autospec" to kick in? when I change my model it doesn''t always retest
3:20PM 8 Installing rspec, cucumber, et al.
1:23AM 3 How to expect no layout
Monday November 10 2008
9:44PM 2 Specs for authorisation
6:53PM 4 Running an entire #describe block
Sunday November 9 2008
5:05PM 7 A smarter autospec?
Saturday November 8 2008
8:37PM 4 any way to have a different SOUND from growl for a ''pass'' rather than a ''fail'' when using "./script/autospec" ???
10:01AM 3 Sharing the little dialects we write in Cucumber
6:29AM 4 should_raise ain''t workin'' with the `spec` command
Friday November 7 2008
11:18PM 15 any tricks re using " eql(5.5)", but where 5.5 is a decimal not float?
9:35PM 6 Confusion At Failing Specs
6:07PM 0 deprecate integrate_views, WDYT?
3:03PM 6 The RSpec Book
2:24PM 16 [Cucumber] The User Story File
1:05PM 6 How to spec a (Trollop-based) binary’s internal state?
8:13AM 6 rspec gem vs "rspec plugin" vs "rspec-rails plugin" ???
6:09AM 13 features and form filling - going declarative?
2:53AM 3 Hash / params causing errors
Thursday November 6 2008
9:32PM 3 Verifying some understanding about manipulating DB data in before/after callbacks in RSpec
9:30PM 8 cucumber docs
3:02PM 12 Specing based on user roles
2:36PM 4 Testing variables in controllers?
9:52AM 3 Parsing Variables from the RakeFile to spec_helper
9:42AM 8 anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup (e.g. db:test:prepare => abort_if_pending_migration => invoke environment => etc etc)
Wednesday November 5 2008
7:55PM 9 RSpec whines when I set the value of an object
6:51PM 7 Stubbing times: #from_now et al.
1:17PM 16 Design Pattern proposal for better Rails development
12:07PM 1 no such file "spec/rake/spectask" even when rspec is install
3:58AM 5 rake features and cucumber feature/name not producing same result
12:16AM 0 Problem with namespaced controller, form_for, and view specs
Tuesday November 4 2008
11:16PM 3 Cucumber: Why rake features needs to call db:test:prepare?
10:45PM 14 how to avoid tests removing data that my migrations put in?
8:51PM 2 Problems stubbing @controller.stub!(:send)
7:38PM 8 Unable to stub a class method in a before_filter
4:33PM 9 RSpec and PostgreSQL not playing nicely together
3:41PM 8 Testing a wizard with Cucumber
3:32PM 3 NoMethodError dependent on spec order
11:10AM 18 Can I do foo.should (be_nil || be_empty) in rspec
9:39AM 48 Caboosers drop RSpec
Monday November 3 2008
9:55PM 1 concerned_with, and maybe require_dependency issues only when running specs?
9:38PM 0 rspec ''mock'' method not found
8:14PM 2 Cucumber and autotest
3:23PM 4 Expected "with" matches received "with" in error message
11:36AM 1 stub! and null_object
Sunday November 2 2008
5:07PM 0 Problem running "rake spec" with Workling and Starling
Saturday November 1 2008
8:25PM 5 Issues after removal of rpsec plugins and gem install
1:29PM 0 Help
5:02AM 5 Cucumber changes between 0.1.8 and edge