I have a suggestion on plain text stories and how unimplemented Scenarios
are regarded.
When a Scenario has no Give/When/Body mark it as ''pending''
rather than
''completed'' as it does now.
This would mean it would work like spec''s ''it'':
it "eat"
it "sleep"
it "be merry"
3 pending/ Yet to be implemented
How I think Stories should work
Story: monkeys
Scenario: eat
Scenario: sleep
Scenario: be merry
What I think it should output:
>3 scenarios: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 3 pending (Perhaps like specs a
''Yet to
be implemented'' is shown aswell)
What is actually outputs:
>3 scenarios: 3 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 pending
When I write a new story I first create all the Scenarios names and then go
through implementing the most important (as dictated by the client). Often I
leave scenarios not deemed important by the client yet, but do provided
potential further work. It would be very useful if those where marked as
I''m happy to put a patch together but wanted to check with the
that what I''m saying is sound.
What do people think? Was there a particular reason why empty scenarios are
marked as success?
Joseph Wilk
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