fajrian wrote:> hi all,
> i am rails newbie. so, please be merciful if you found this question
> stupid :D
> i want to ADD facebook capability to my project. fyi, my project is
> using prototype and openlayer. the amount of work done (by others)
> using prototype and openlayer is quite large, so that i can''t
> to make conflict with those libraries.
> for the facebook capability, i use facebooker. when i create the
> prototype (i mean, the small version, not prototype javascript
> library) in a separate (blank) project, facebooker worked fine. but
> when i integrated it to my true project, somehow the page is not
> correctly rendered.
> in firebug console, i found some javascript errors. i found that all
> those errors are basically related to prototype. it happens even
> though i have imported the facebooker javascript library to my page.
> for example, this one: "Element.observe is not a function"
> anybody here would like to enlighten me? especially about facebooker -
> prototype relationship.
Because of Facebook''s JavaScript munging, you can''t use
Prototype.js in
a Facebook canvas app IIRC (although you can in an iframe app). That''s
why Facebooker provides facebooker.js in the first place.
Note that this is mostly not a Rails question, and would probably be
better directed to the Facebook dev forum.
> thank you
Marnen Laibow-Koser
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