Did some more digging on this and there''s an issue with the gem.
you''ll need to update the gem and comment out the following code:
#unless Kernel.respond_to?(:gem)
# Kernel.send :alias_method, :gem, :require_gem
the other issue is that there is an updated version of the gem, but
it''s notreleased on rubyforge. This version takes care of the above
In either case, I now have the gem working properly
see http://github.com/aeden/rails_sql_views/issues#issue/2
for details.
On Nov 30, 11:19 am, db_333
wrote:> rails_sql_views (0.6.1)
> Rails 2.3.4
> Hi,
> I''ve implemented this gem and wrote a query (which includes a
> join), and I am getting the following error
> when trying to run the db:migrate command
> undefined method `create_view'' for
> #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter:0x2474c60>
> I''m a bit new to Rails, and I''m not sure what''s
missing here. I''ve
> included the following in my environment file:
> gem ''rails_sql_views''
> Any pointers on this? we have an existing database and have a few
> views we''d really like to utilize.
> thanks
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