As a follow up to the second issue, if I specify the error message as:
blank: "-- {{attribute}} - {{model}}"
I see the following error: "Adhoc filters fields -- Adhoc filters
field -- Filter"
So the model human name is getting set correctly, but the child
attribute is getting concatenated with the non human-name of the model
with the child field.
On Nov 4, 5:01 pm, "E. Litwin"
wrote:> I have two issues with trying to customize error messages. I''m
> Rails 2.3.4 and Ruby 1.8.7.
> The first issue has to do with basic error message interpolation.
> As an example, I modified my en.yml file and added the following:
> en:
> activerecord:
> errors:
> messages:
> blank: "Please fill in your {{attribute}}"
> I have a simple model with a validates_presence_of :name
> When I submit a form without filling out name, the error message shows
> as "Name Please fill in your Name"
> What am I doing wrong that causes "Name" to show up twice?
> I feel like I am missing something basic, but looking at the Rails
> I18n API ( hasn''t helped.
> The second issue has to do with validations for nested attributes.
> In my en.yml, I have the following which provides a value for
> human_name on the class. (I removed the activerecord: errors:
> messages: blank: code for this example.)
> en:
> activerecord:
> models:
> adhoc_filter: "Filter"
> In my adhoc_filter child model, I have a validates_presence_of :field
> When I submit the form, the error message shows up as "Adhoc filters
> field can''t be blank" instead of "Filter field
can''t be blank"
> I''m not sure if nested attribute errors will work the way I want
> to, but it would be nice.
> Any advice on one or both of these issues is greatly appreciated.