Yup, newbie. Working my way through the Agile ... Rails book and
updated gem, rails, rake, and sqlite3 as per the book instructions.
Then tried out the nifty "gem server" command to access the
documentation. Everything is there except the rails rdoc link is
`/doc_root/rails-2.3.4/rdoc/index.html'' not found.
I found the documentation at /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc (I am on a
Mac). There are rails-1.2.6 and rails-2.2.2 directories that have
rdoc and ri directories which are empty. I manually created a
rails-2.3.4/rdoc directory and copied in the api docs I manually
created by:
rails_apps> rails dummy_app
rails_apps> cd dummy_app
dummy_app> rake rails:freeze:gems
dummy_app> rake doc:rails
The link is still broken. Of all the searching I did on this problem
in Google and this group,I found two useful suggestions:
1) Uninstall and reinstall gem, but I can''t find any instructions to
do this.
2) Generate the docs manually:
sudo gem rdoc rails
Installing ri documentation for rails-1.2.6...
Installing ri documentation for rails-2.2.2...
Installing ri documentation for rails-2.3.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-1.2.6...
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-2.2.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-2.3.4...
This appeared to do absolutely nothing to the contents of /usr/lib/
Any suggestions?