In this case you should use 2 finds. One to find the records and one
to find all associated records. On the associated records array you
can do a find { |record| record.associated_id ==} this is
the same effect as eager loading. I dont know if a lambda would work
on the association, though.
2009/10/29, dino d.
> If I have an association
> A habtm B
> and I say A.find.., :include => B
> but I only want some of the B''s to be loaded, the rails docs
> ClassMethods.html) say:
> If you do want eagerload only some members of an association it is
> usually more natural to :include an association which has conditions
> defined on it:
> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :approved_comments, :class_name =>
''Comment'', :conditions
> => [''approved = ?'', true]
> end
> Post.find(:all, :include => :approved_comments)
> Which is fine if you know ahead of time what the conditions are. If
> you only know the condition at the time of the request, things get
> trickier. For example, if B has a user_id field, and you only want to
> show this user''s B''s.
> One solution I came up with was to create a cattr_accessor in A and
> set it upon login, and then use that in the association, as the docs
> suggest.
> cattr :current_user
> ...
> has_one :users_b, :class_name => ''B'', :conditions
=> "user_id = #
> {}"
> This works fine, but it fails miserably when class caching is enabled
> (in production). And I''d much rather send user_id as a parameter,
> use that param in a find.
> So, is there any way to have conditional eager loading with dynamic
> conditions?
> Note, :conditions does not work because those conditions are applied
> to the entire join, not just the left joined table (this is verified
> in the docs, same link as above).
> Thanks for any help,
> Dino
> >
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