Hi, I am using Geokit, but I can''t seem to properly limit the number of rows returned by GeoKit when I do something like this: Thing.find(:all, :origin => [@home_city.lat, @home_city.lng], :within => 10, :limit => 20) Thing, actually doesn''t have acts_as_mappable set on itself, because Thing has a ''Venue'' relation and it''s that Venue which contains the lat and the long. So here is the model for Thing: belongs_to :venue acts_as_mappable :through => :venue And here is Venue: has_many :things acts_as_mappable But what I think the find command is doing is setting the limit on the number of VENUES found, not the total number of THINGs found. Because a Venue may have more than one thing, this means I have trouble building efficient queries and limiting the records returned. There''s no join table involved, even though I''m using :through, and this confuses me a little, but I''m assuming that acts_as_mappable just absorbs that up. Any advice on how to fix this little setup? I notice that my has_many and belongs_to are reversed compared to the Geokit example for :through relations... :-/ Thanks for any help offered! - N (Disclosure; I posted a similar question to the GeoKit list yesterday but no response, so I thought I''d cast a wider net). -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.