Why would you want to do *either*? If you want your fixtures to have
different data, just change them.
In any case, the second way is preferable; I''m not 100% sure that the
first way won''t re-instantiate the fixture and zorch your changes.
--Matt Jones
On Oct 11, 5:15 am, Joshua Muheim
wrote:> Hi all
> When creating unit tests, I wondered whether I should rather use the
> following...
> people(:sam).name = "Sammy"
> people(:sam).city = "Blah"
> ...or rather the following form:
> @sam = people(:sam)
> @sam.name = "Sammy"
> @sam.city = "Blah"
> Thanks
> Josh
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.