On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 9:02 PM, doug
> I am trying to create an atom feed by following closely (but not
> exactly) the example provided in DHH blog screencast. I am getting
> the error:
> No route matches "/blog/atom_feed.atom" with {:method=>:get}
Did you define the new route on config/routes.rb?
> I was expecting to have problems getting this going; but, not routing
> problems. That should be pretty basic. Anyway, my controller action
> in the ''blog'' controller looks like this:
> def atom_feed()
> respond_to do |format|
> format.atom
> end
> end
> Following the example, I created a template (in app/views/blog) named,
> ''atom_feed.atom.builder''. Here is its contents:
> atom.feed do |feed|
> feed.title("My Great Blog!")
> feed.updated(@posts.first.created_at)
> -QW3lIgsu9p5yDzI6CaY1VQ@public.gmane.org do |post|
> feed.entry(post) do |entry|
> entry.title(post.title)
> entry.content(post.body,:type=>''html'')
> entry.author { |author| author.name("Doug Jolley") }
> end
> end
> end
> I have a hunch that my problems are in some way related to the use of
> the ''builder'' template format which I have never even
heard of
> before. Anyway, can someone please give me a clue as to why I am
> having routing problems with this?
> Thanks for any input.
> ... doug
> >
Leonardo Mateo.
There''s no place like ~