At risk of pissing everyone off, I''ve posted this query to the
mailing list as well - I''m hoping that posting it here might also
some insight:
Hi all!
I have a rails project that I have deployed many times up to a dreamhost
server using Capistrano 1.4.1. I have succesfully deployed with this recipe
at least 20 times - probably more. I haven''t done a deployment with
project, though, since late June of this year.
When I went to deploy today it failed. I pulled down all the latest stuff
for my rails app from subversion into a new directory first. Is there a
step I should take before running cap deploy here? My server is already set
up properly... Here''s what ''cap deploy'' spit out:
* executing task deploy
* executing task update
** transaction: start
* executing task update_code
* querying latest revision...
* executing "if [[ ! -d
/home/tdonaghe/ ]];
then\n svn export --no-auth-cache -q -r187
(test -e /home/tdonaghe/ || (touch
/home/tdonaghe/ && chmod 666
/home/tdonaghe/ && echo `date
%H:%M:%S\"` $USER 187 20071027181905 >>
/home/tdonaghe/;\n fi"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished
* executing task set_permissions
* executing "chmod -R g+w
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished
* executing "rm -rf
&&\n ln -nfs /home/tdonaghe/
/home/tdonaghe/ &&\n ln
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [out ::] ln: creating symbolic link
`/home/tdonaghe/'': No such file or
command finished
*** [set_permissions] transaction: rollback
* [set_permissions] rolling back
* [update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished
command "rm -rf
&&\\\n ln -nfs /home/tdonaghe/
/home/tdonaghe/ &&\\\n
-nfs /home/tdonaghe/
failed on
Can anyone tell by look what happened? Right after the chmod command up
near there top, we see an "executing command" and then it finishes.
for some reason, capistrano removes a bunch of directories. Just after that
we see it trying to create a symlink to one of the directories that it
previously removed?
Does anyone know what''s going on here? Why would it have quit working
this? I''m 99% sure I haven''t changed anything - I''ve
gone over and over my
deploy.rb file to try to find something wrong, but it all looks good. I can
copy and paste that if anyone thinks it would help.
I''m hoping I just forgot something stupid.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
Terry (TAD) Donaghe
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