So I posted this question yesterday and nobody replied back, so what
doing must be pretty ground breaking (haha, don''t I wish). I have some
fields that I would really like to have filled out without putting them
in a form. Basically I have a link that allows the user to edit if they
so desire. When they click the link the link turns into a dropdown, at
which point they make a selection and onchange or onblur their selection
is re-displayed as a link and saved to the database. Any way, here is
the code....
First I have a table where someone can enter an airline name:
<div id = ''exclude_1''>
<%= link_to_remote '' (Edit) '',
:update =>
''exclude_1'', :url => { :action
=> ''add_exclude_airline1'', :id => }
Then in the controller a partial is rendered to display the dropdown
def add_exclude_airline1
@user = User.find_by_id( params[:id] )
if @user.exclude_air_1.nil?
render :partial => ''exclude_airline1''
render :partial => ''exclude_airline1''
In exclude_airline1 I am calling a function that basically redirects me
to an action which basically re-renders text back to the div. I am not
sure what he :with is doing, however. The code looks like:
<% func = remote_function( :update => ''exclude_1'', :url
=> {:action =>
''set_exclude_airline_1''}, :with =>
"''id='' + escape(value)" ) -%>
<% @airlines = Airline.find( :all, :order => ''name'' )
<% if @user.exclude_air_1.nil? %>
<select id = "airlinemembership_membership" name
"airlinemembership[membership]" onchange =
<%= options_from_collection_for_select @airlines, ''id'',
''name'' %>
<% else %>
<%= select "airlinemembership", "membership",
Airline.find( :all, :order
''name'' ).collect {|a| [,]},
:selected => Airline.find_by_id( @user.exclude_airline_1 ) %>
<% end %>
The set_exclude_airline_1 looks like:
def set_exclude_airline_1
puts "TEST1"
render :text => "<%= link_to_remote ''TEST1'',
:update =>
''exclude_1'', :url => { :action =>
''add_exclude_airline1'', :id => } %>"
Basically all that is happening at this point is that when I go and
select an item from the dropdown, instead of a link appearing with the
selection everything just disapears. Anyone have any suggestions of what
I am doing wrong? Thanks all,
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