I can only get e-mail to send using irb on my Windows box. If I run it
on a Linux box with this script, here''s what happens:
irb(main):001:0> supplierid = 8
=> 8
irb(main):002:0> require ''net/smtp''
=> true
irb(main):003:0> body = "Subject: Product Import succeeded for
supplier #{supplierid} at #{Time.now.to_s}\r\n\r\n"
=> "Subject: Product Import succeeded for supplier 8 at Tue Sep 04
13:26:56 -0600 2007\r\n\r\n"
irb(main):004:0> Net::SMTP.start(mail_server, 25, helo_domain,
login_email, password, :login) do |smtp|
irb(main):005:1* smtp.send_message(body, from_address,
irb(main):006:1> end
=> "250 Ok: queued as B8876116D122\n"
But the e-mail never arrives. Any ideas?
On Aug 28, 12:54 pm, Matt White
wrote:> Hello,
> One of my scripts that used to send e-mails on success has stopped
> sending e-mails. Using ruby-debug, I found that it is indeed reaching
> those lines of code but no e-mail ever gets sent. I can send e-mails
> using the exact same code from irb and from script/console. Here''s
> what I have:
> body = "Subject: Product Import succeeded for supplier #{supplierid}
> at #{Time.now.to_s}\r\n\r\n"
> Net::SMTP.start(mailserver, 25, helo_domain, email_address,
> password, :login) do |smtp|
> smtp.send_message(body, from_address, to_address)
> end
> Any ideas where I can look or what I can try to solve this problem?
> Like I said, it works from script/console when I cut-and-paste this
> code... Thanks!
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