This is not really a Rails problem, more an issue with the new gem
You can safely ignore it, but if you want to get rid of the error then
edit the config/boot.rb file and change line 29 (I think) from
"require_gem ..." to just "gem"
This has already been fixed in Rails development (edge)
On Mar 9, 1:14 pm, Paul Denlinger
wrote:> In chapter five of the book Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Applications,
> when I entered the rake db:migrate command in the Ruby console, I got
> the following message back:
> Warning require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead.
> What does this mean, and what should I do? Was the rake db:migrate
> command executed? If I want to update require_gem, what do I need to do?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Posted via
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