Let me rephrase that.. :)
I want the column "game" in the Bets table to identify which match
I´ve chosen from the Matches table. The dropdown menu letting the user
choose which game, shall include the primary_key to all existing
matches. Or at least somehow identify a game.
Martin Stabenfeldt
On 22/02/07, Martin Stabenfeldt
> Dear list,
> I got a database with two tables, ''bets'' and
> When placing a bet, I would like to have a [Match number] dropdown menu
listing the primary_key to all existing matches in the
''matches'' table.
> This connecting the bet to a known upcoming match.
> Would any of you gentlemen please give me some help?
> app/views/bets/new.rhtml:
> <% form_tag :action => ''create'' do %>
> <%= render :partial => ''form'' %>
> <%= submit_tag "Create" %>
> <% end %>
> <%= link_to ''Back'', :action =>
''list'' %>
> app/views/bets/_form.rhtml:
> <!--[form:bet]-->
> <p><label
> <%= text_field ''bet'',
''gambler'' %></p>
> <p><label
> <%= text_field ''bet'', ''game''
> <p><label
> <%= text_field ''bet'',
''hjemme'' %></p>
> <p><label
> <%= text_field ''bet'',
''borte'' %></p>
> <p><label
for="bet_amount_of_money_placed">Amount of money
> <%= text_field ''bet'',
''amount_of_money_placed'' %></p>
> <!--[eoform:bet]-->
> scheme.rb:
> create_table "bets", :force => true do |t|
> t.column "gambler", :string
> t.column "game", :integer
> t.column "hjemme", :integer
> t.column "borte", :integer
> t.column "bet_placed_at", :datetime
> t.column "amount_of_money_placed", :integer
> end
> create_table "matches", :force => true do |t|
> t.column "hjemmelag", :string
> t.column "bortelag", :string
> t.column "arena", :string
> t.column "date", :datetime
> t.column "goals_home", :decimal
> t.column "goals_away", :decimal
> end
> end
> All help is highly appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Martin Stabenfeldt
> >
Med vennlig hilsen,
Martin Stabenfeldt Mob: 93 44 17 07
A: Because it messes up the way people read text
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