Check the SQL generated in the log. I''m noticing that the memory
version of the has_may record is not having its cache value being
updated, even when a "parent.child.create" is executed in a 1.2.2
rails. I''ll wager your code is triggering the SQL update of the
cache counter increment, but that the update without a reload is
overwriting the counter cache with the pre-creation value.
I''ll wager that the increment SQL was fired off, but that the old
value of the cache got rewritten during the update. A work-around
might be to reload the Proposal record before the update (yick!)
On Feb 14, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Kad Kerforn wrote:
> I am trying to use the counter_cache but it''s not updated...
> class Proposal < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :ratings, :dependent => :destroy
> (I have defined a ratings_count column (default value 0) in my
> proposals
> table)
> class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => ''user_id''
> belongs_to :proposal, :foreign_key =>
> ''proposal_id'', :counter_cache =>
> true
> proposal_controller
> def add_new_rating
> ..
> @proposal = Proposal.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i)
> @proposal.ratings.create(:user => current_user, :comment => @comment,
> :value => @notation)
> @ proposal.update_attribute(:total_value , @total_value)
> the rating record is correctly created...
> the proposal record total_value attribute is correctly updated,
> but the
> counter ''ratings_count'' is not incremented
> --
> Posted via
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