On 2/10/07, Sri Vidhya
> Hi
> I am new to Ruby programming.. I am facing one problem. I am
> displaying the files under a particular directory. I have kept all the
> directories as hyperlink. I have coded in such a way that when i click
> on a particular directory it has to display all the files under that.
> But iam getting an error '' TypeError in TemplateController
> can''t convert nil into String'' when i click on the link.
> This is the code snippet where iam taking all the files
> for file_name in 0..array_count-1
> if(@clicked_file==$subdirectory_files[file_name])
> # render_text("Selected file : " +
> $subdirectory_files[file_name]);
> filepath=$theme_root + "/" + $current_directory +
"/" +
> $clicked_link + "/" + $subdirectory_files[file_name];
> File.open(filepath,"r") do |f|
> f.each_line { |line|
> $theme_files=$theme_files+line;
> }
> end
> end
> end
> This is the code snippet in .rhtml file
> <div id="filenames">
> <% if(!$subdirectory_files.empty?)%>
> <% $subdirectory_files.each do |file_name|%>
> <b><%= link_to_remote file_name, :update =>
"files",:url => { :action =>
> "get_file_data", :id => file_name }%></b><br>
> <%end%>
> <%end%>
> </div>
> Please anyone help in this regard
Which line throws that error?
There was only one Road; that it was like a great river: its springs
were at every doorstep, and every path was its tributary.
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