I''ve got myself quite mixed up on has_many and related issues.
Suppose I have a lot of Recipes, each of which is to have many
I think I am meant to do e.g. models/recipe.rb
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ingredients
along with models/ingredient.rb
class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :recipe
Is that right, with the has_many and belongs_to, with the plurality
and use of upper and lower case?
Now I come to my real confusion. I half-think I should create a model
"Recipes_Ingredients", but I''m not sure on that, so
I''ve not done it.
What I *have* done is to create a table in one of my migrations, viz
class RecipesIngredients < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :recipes_ingredients, :id => false do |t|
t.column :ingredient_id, :integer
t.column :recipe_id, :integer
add_index :recipes_ingredients, [:ingredient_id, :recipe_id]
add_index :recipes_ingredients, :recipe_id
def self.down
drop_table :recipes_ingredients
but is this enough? Am I supposed to use "execute" lines to make up
foreign keys, or will this do what I need?
I think that what I''ve done is insufficient, because no method
seems to have been created. (Hm... is there a way to make the system
describe the methods it''s creating, during migration and otherwise?)
PS. I note that the Roll-With Revisited tutorial http://www.onlamp.com/
page=2 illustrates the use of MYSQL code
constraint fk_recipes_categories foreign key (category_id)
references categories(id), primary key(id)
but I''m hoping to avoid hand injection of MySQL. (If I wanted to work
with MySQL directly, I''d be back with PHP!)
Well, I hope I''ve been clear. As readers may guess, I''m not
working on recipes and ingredients, so I hope I''ve done tthe
conversion to these more evocative names correctly enough that my
point is clear.
PS. I''m using the new RoR, with MySQL.
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