I''m having trouble with rescue_action_in_public, both in getting it
to work right in my rails app, and in writing tests to make sure.
What I ultimately want to do is test for what a normal user would see
when an error is trapped.
I override local_request? like so:
def rescue_action_in_public(exception)
render :text => "oops"
def local_request?
Also, I altered the environments files so I won''t get the standard
developer error messages (although this seems like possible overkill)
config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = false
config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = false
In my functional tests, I chose a random controller to use, and
commented out the local rescue_action, so the test won''t stop when
rails hits an error (I assume this is what I want, because I want to
continue processing the error, not stop):
# class GroupController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
def test_error_no_such_group
post :home, :id => "this_is_not_a_valid_id"
assert_tag :content => "oops"
When I run this test, the test.log shows the expected
"ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn''t find Group with
ID=this_is_not_a_valid_id)" but the test passes successfully. If I
uncomment the rescue_action(e) line at the top of the
group_controller_test.rb, the test fails, but the assert_tag check is
never performed so I can''t see what rescue_action_in_public is doing.
I could use some advice about how to configure things so I can
deliberately cause errors, and confirm they''re being handled right by
the application controller.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I wanted to be thorough in explaining
the problem.
Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
to everyone.
PS: As far as routes.rb, there''s nothing in there doing any explicit
routing to my application controller or the rescue_action_in_public
method, so I don''t think that''s a factor.
Jason Frankovitz - jfrankov-e+AXbWqSrlAAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org
work: (310) 601-8454
cell: (415) 254-4890
AIM/Skype: jfrankov
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