hey all,
When I do this in script/console I get:>> require ''RMagick''
=> true>> include Magick
=> Object>> f = Image.new(100,100) { self.background_color = "red" }
=> 100x100 DirectClass 16-bit>> f.crop_resized(50,50)
=> 50x50 DirectClass 16-bit
But in my application I keep getting the same error as if rmagick was
not installed though it is and I can use it with irb. This is the
error I get:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `crop_resized'' for
nil:NilClass) on line #7 of app/views/items/list.rhtm
I did put
require ''RMagick''
include Magick
in my application.rb but my rmagick install keeps getting ignored :/
any idea what''s wrong or where shall I put include Magick and require
thanx in advance
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