...or add them to a module which you include in the model.
application.rb is a controller (indeed *the* ApplicationController from
which the other controllers inherit methods, filters etc), and therefore
methods and filters defined in it shouldn''t be accessible to the
MVC and all that...
Jonathan Viney wrote:> If you want some more instance methods on all your models, just add
> them to ActiveRecord::Base in environment.rb
> class ActiveRecord::Base
> def my_method
> "hello"
> end
> end
> Then your models behave like...
> class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
> end
> Person.new.my_method # => hello
> -Jonathan.
> On 6/21/06, thila thila <isputnik_98@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Why can''t I access the utility methods defined in
applicaion.rb from the
>> model classes? If that does not work, where is the best place to put
>> common utility methods that must be available to all the models.
>> thanks
>> --
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