There are two lines that you need in the comment model. Rather than saying
a comment has_one user, it belongs_to a user. The difference is that the
foreign key is located in the comment table.
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :user
By declaring the symbol :user in these method calls, Active Record
automatically finds the class User and the field in the comments table
user_id and maps these rules that that field.
The belongs_to method works hand in hand with the has_many and has_one
methods in the corresponding models. Basically, if the model has a foreign
key field in it''s table, then in needs a belong to. Your not
constrianed to
only use the user_id field name for user. You can tell AR to map a foreign
key to any field.
ie for projects you may have fields in the table (to map to a user record)
in the project model
belongs_to :creator, :foreign_key => "created_by", :class_name
=> "User"
belongs_to :project_manager, :foreign_key => "project_manager_id",
:class_name => "User"
in the user model
has_many :project_managements, :class_name => "Project",
:foreign_key =>
has_many :created_projects, :class_name => "Project", :foreign_key
There are a number of options for both of these method calls that can be
found in the docs.
Hopefully this helps.
On 5/23/06, Gavin Montague <>
> Hello,
> I''m not sure if I''m missing something blindingly obvious
> All the relationships that Rails comes with assume 0..n, yes?
> not a strict 1 to 1 or 1 to n because it''s optional. My question
> this -
> What is the best way to implement a required relationship?
> For example, if I require that a comment is made by a user (a user
> has many comments, a comment has one user). Is it enough to say in
> the comment model
> validates_presence_of :user_id
> or is there another, more rails-y way of doing this?
> Thanks,
> Gavin
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