Konstantin Gredeskoul
2006-May-18 23:21 UTC
[Rails] Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
Hello! I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of physical deletes using ActiveRecord. Basically, in many applications that deal with E-Commerce, you really can''t physically delete almost anything, because records must be kept for auditing and customer service tracking purposes. In the past, I''ve implemented logical deletes as follows: 1. Oracle implementation: Each table that must implement logical deletes has a view, eg: USERS_RAW => real table, has columns: is_deleted(boolean,default false) date_deleted(timestamp, default null) USERS => is a view on USERS_RAW (where isdeleted = false) Oracle allows updating such a view without any extra triggers, so from RoR point of view this is completely transparent. PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which is ugly and not what I would like to do. 2. Hibernate Implementation In hibernate when you map a table you can specify that any query on this table must also have an extra clause appended to it, so adding "is_deleted = false" makes it work out of the box (except for primary key fetches unfortunately, but this can be overriden in a model superclass). 3. Rails Implementation What I would like is that all finders and by-id look ups automatically append "is_deleted == false" to all SQL queries for a specific set of classes (which could subclass eg "LogicallyDeletable" model super class). Any pointers on how to implement this elegantly are much appreciated. Thanks, Konstantin -- Posted via ruby-forum.com.
Kevin Olbrich
2006-May-18 23:24 UTC
[Rails] Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
On Friday, May 19, 2006, at 1:21 AM, Konstantin Gredeskoul wrote:>Hello! > >I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of >physical deletes using ActiveRecord. Basically, in many applications >that deal with E-Commerce, you really can''t physically delete almost >anything, because records must be kept for auditing and customer service >tracking purposes. > >In the past, I''ve implemented logical deletes as follows: > >1. Oracle implementation: > >Each table that must implement logical deletes has a view, eg: > >USERS_RAW => real table, has columns: > is_deleted(boolean,default false) > date_deleted(timestamp, default null) > >USERS => is a view on USERS_RAW (where isdeleted = false) > >Oracle allows updating such a view without any extra triggers, so from >RoR point of view this is completely transparent. > >PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which is ugly >and not what I would like to do. > >2. Hibernate Implementation > >In hibernate when you map a table you can specify that any query on this >table must also have an extra clause appended to it, so adding >"is_deleted = false" makes it work out of the box (except for primary >key fetches unfortunately, but this can be overriden in a model >superclass). > >3. Rails Implementation > >What I would like is that all finders and by-id look ups automatically >append "is_deleted == false" to all SQL queries for a specific set of >classes (which could subclass eg "LogicallyDeletable" model super >class). > >Any pointers on how to implement this elegantly are much appreciated. > >Thanks, >Konstantin > > > >-- >Posted via ruby-forum.com. >_______________________________________________ >Rails mailing list >Rails@lists.rubyonrails.org >lists.rubyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/railslook for the acts_as_paranoid plugin. _Kevin -- Posted with DevLists.com. Sign up and save your mailbox.
Ian Harding
2006-May-19 01:01 UTC
[Rails] Re: Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
Put an on delete do instead rule on the base table. Easy, and not ugly. On 5/18/06, Konstantin Gredeskoul <kigsteronline@mac.com> wrote:> Hello! > > I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of > physical deletes using ActiveRecord. Basically, in many applications > that deal with E-Commerce, you really can''t physically delete almost > anything, because records must be kept for auditing and customer service > tracking purposes. > > In the past, I''ve implemented logical deletes as follows: > > 1. Oracle implementation: > > Each table that must implement logical deletes has a view, eg: > > USERS_RAW => real table, has columns: > is_deleted(boolean,default false) > date_deleted(timestamp, default null) > > USERS => is a view on USERS_RAW (where isdeleted = false) > > Oracle allows updating such a view without any extra triggers, so from > RoR point of view this is completely transparent. > > PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which is ugly > and not what I would like to do. > > 2. Hibernate Implementation > > In hibernate when you map a table you can specify that any query on this > table must also have an extra clause appended to it, so adding > "is_deleted = false" makes it work out of the box (except for primary > key fetches unfortunately, but this can be overriden in a model > superclass). > > 3. Rails Implementation > > What I would like is that all finders and by-id look ups automatically > append "is_deleted == false" to all SQL queries for a specific set of > classes (which could subclass eg "LogicallyDeletable" model super > class). > > Any pointers on how to implement this elegantly are much appreciated. > > Thanks, > Konstantin > > > > -- > Posted via ruby-forum.com. > _______________________________________________ > Rails mailing list > Rails@lists.rubyonrails.org > lists.rubyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/rails >
Lugovoi Nikolai
2006-May-19 07:08 UTC
[Rails] Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
On 5/19/06, Konstantin Gredeskoul <kigsteronline@mac.com> wrote:> Hello! > > I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of > physical deletes using ActiveRecord.[snip]> PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which is ugly > and not what I would like to do.What would you say about pure pl/pgSQL acts_as_paranoid ? :))) ---------------------- BEGIN; CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum ( sfunc = array_append, basetype = anyelement, stype = anyarray, initcond = ''{}'' ); CREATE FUNCTION acts_as_paranoid(_table_name text, _view_name text, _pkey_name text, _is_deleted_column_name text) returns void as $$ DECLARE _column_list TEXT; _update_list TEXT; _insert_list TEXT; _stmt_text TEXT; BEGIN SELECT array_to_string(col_list, '','') as column_list, array_to_string(new_list, '','') as insert_list, array_to_string(upd_list, '','') as update_list FROM (SELECT array_accum(attname) as col_list, array_accum(''NEW.''||attname) as new_list, array_accum(attname || '' = NEW.''||attname) as upd_list FROM pg_attribute JOIN pg_class c ON (attrelid = c.oid) WHERE NOT attisdropped AND attnum > 0 AND relname = _table_name AND attname <> _is_deleted_column_name ) as A INTO _column_list, _insert_list, _update_list; EXECUTE ''CREATE VIEW '' || _view_name || '' AS SELECT '' || _column_list || '' FROM '' || _table_name || '' WHERE NOT '' || _is_deleted_column_name; EXECUTE ''CREATE RULE '' || _view_name || ''_del AS ON DELETE TO ''|| _view_name || '' DO INSTEAD UPDATE '' || _table_name || '' SET ''||_is_deleted_column_name || '' = true WHERE ''|| _pkey_name || '' = OLD.''|| _pkey_name; EXECUTE ''CREATE RULE '' || _view_name || ''_ins AS ON INSERT TO ''|| _view_name || '' DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO ''|| _table_name || ''(''||_column_list || '') VALUES (''||_insert_list||'')''; EXECUTE ''CREATE RULE '' || _view_name || ''_upd AS ON UPDATE TO ''|| _view_name || '' DO INSTEAD UPDATE ''|| _table_name || '' SET ''||_update_list || '' WHERE '' || _pkey_name || '' = OLD.'' || _pkey_name; RETURN; END$$ language ''plpgsql''; CREATE FUNCTION acts_as_paranoid (_table_name text, _view_name text) returns void as $$ BEGIN PERFORM acts_as_paranoid( $1 , $2, ''id'', ''is_deleted''); RETURN; END$$ language ''plpgsql''; -- EXAMPLE OF USAGE create table a_data ( id serial primary key, my_data text not null, is_deleted boolean not null default false ); SELECT acts_as_paranoid (''a_data'', ''data''); insert into data (id, my_data) values (1, ''Test 1''); insert into data (id, my_data) values (2, ''Test 2''); insert into data (id, my_data) values (3, ''Test 3''); select * from data; select * from data where id > 2; delete from data where id > 2; select * from data; update data set my_data = my_data || '' updated '' || text(id) ; select * from data; ROLLBACK;
Jeremy Kemper
2006-May-19 18:29 UTC
[Rails] Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
On May 19, 2006, at 12:08 AM, Lugovoi Nikolai wrote:> On 5/19/06, Konstantin Gredeskoul <kigsteronline@mac.com> wrote: >> Hello! >> >> I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* >> instead of >> physical deletes using ActiveRecord. > [snip] >> PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which >> is ugly >> and not what I would like to do. > > What would you say about pure pl/pgSQL acts_as_paranoid ? :)))I''d say "that''s super hot, man!" jeremy
Jeremy Kemper
2006-May-19 18:30 UTC
[Rails] Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
On May 19, 2006, at 11:29 AM, Jeremy Kemper wrote:> On May 19, 2006, at 12:08 AM, Lugovoi Nikolai wrote: >> On 5/19/06, Konstantin Gredeskoul <kigsteronline@mac.com> wrote: >>> Hello! >>> >>> I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* >>> instead of >>> physical deletes using ActiveRecord. >> [snip] >>> PostgreSQL allows updating views, but with extra triggers, which >>> is ugly >>> and not what I would like to do. >> >> What would you say about pure pl/pgSQL acts_as_paranoid ? :))) > > I''d say "that''s super hot, man!"That''s super hot, man! jeremy
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