Vince W. wrote:> I am using the acts_as_authenticated plugin to manage logging in/logging
> out. There are a few controllers, such as search, that I don''t
> people accessing regardless of whether they are logged in or logged out.
> My current view just has some static links on the left that say Login
> and Logout. How should I set it up so that it says Login when not logged
> in and log out when logged in? Is there code that would go in the view
> to detect iflogged in and display the appropriate link? If so, what
> would that look like?
> I guess the alternative is to have two identical controllers, but that
> doesn''t seem like a good solution.
> Thanks in advance..
<% if current_user %>
<%= link_to ''Logout'', :controller =>
''account'', :action => ''logout'' %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to ''Login'', :controller =>
''account'', :action => ''login'' %>
<% end %>
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