I think I''m seeing the same thing. I have a model, Member, that has:
validates_uniqueness_of :email
Yet, I have some non-unique emails. I''ve got a test that tries to
create 2
members with the same email and it fails appropriately.
Any suggestions?
On 5/3/06, Manish Shah <mnshah@gmail.com> wrote:>
> Something really weird happened with my app recently and i''m lost
on what
> exactly happened.
> I have a bunch of validations setup in my models to ensure that no
recordshave identical columns within a certain date range. So user x can only
> a blog entry to blog y once a month (example).
> However, i saw that this validation failed on script that posts a bunch of
> entries all by the same user. So the db showed the same user posting to
> same blog all within a few seconds of each other.
> I looked at my access log and saw that there were 2 HTTP POSTs to the
> controller at the same time that these duplicate entries got saved. I
> found this weird because i had the validations in place, and when i test on
> my laptop i''m not able to recreate it. This made me think about
fastcgi as
> the culprit. Could it be that 2 fastcgi processes go the request at the
> same time and independently validated the data? Meaning that when either
> fcgi process did a read to validate, they both passed because neither had
> committed the data yet.
> Does this sound reasonable? If so, how would i go about guarding against
> this?
> Please, please help. Thanks in advance.
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