my view contains a call to a partial: <%= render(:partial => ''item_list'', :collection => @keyword.synonyms, :locals => { :action_delete => "removesynonym", and_some_other_stuff }) %> _item_list.rhtml contains: <%= link_to ( image_tag(''/images/deletebutton.png''), { :action => action_delete, :id => @keyword, item_id => item_list }, %><%= %> Now, how can I pass the ''name'' property from my main view? This does not work: <%= render(:partial => ''item_list'', :collection => @keyword.synonyms, :locals => { :action_delete => "removesynonym", :my_property => "name" }) %> _item_list.rhtml: <%= link_to ( image_tag(''/images/deletebutton.png''), { :action => action_delete, :id => @keyword, item_id => item_list }, %><%= item_list.my_property %> I tried item_list."#{my_property}" no luck Any hints greatly appreciated isabelle -- Posted via