Ruby doesn''t let you have a class and a module with the same name,
and having class Account::AuthController means that you have a module
called Account containing a class called AuthController.
Convention seems to be that you should have plural module names and
singular model names in this case; i.e. rename your
Account::AuthController to Accounts::AuthController. (Personally that
seems a little dodgy to me, but it seems to be commonly done, and it
Pete Yandell
On 13/04/2006, at 6:25 PM, Nicholas Wieland wrote:
> I''m trying to specify a model in a controller, but rails gives me
> "Account is not a class", where Account is my model name ...
> This is my model:
> class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
> validates_presence_of :email, :email_confirmation,
> :username, :password, :password_confirmation
> validates_format_of :email,
> :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i
> validates_uniqueness_of :username
> validates_length_of :password, :within => 6..20
> validates_confirmation_of :email, :password
> def self.authenticate(username, password)
> find_first(["username=? AND password=?", username, password])
> end
> end
> and this is my controller:
> class Account::AuthController < ApplicationController
> model :account
> .....
> end
> I guess the problem is that I''m using a module, my controller is
> inside controllers/account/auth_controller.rb.
> I''m not able to find the mistake, my model is clearly a class ...
> Ideas ?
> TIA,
> ngw
> --
> Nicholas Wieland
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