you could use a before and after filter...
On Tuesday, April 11, 2006, at 7:57 AM, opensas wrote:>Basically I''m trying to add the following functionality to a
>when browsng data
>reorder data
>change numbers of rows
>defining filters
>for that, I need to save the state of a controller, that is, the current
>order, the number of rows, the filter condition, etc.
>So far now, I''m saving them to the session.
>I have a load method, which loads the data from params, or assing
>default values.
>Something like this
>def load
> @order = session[:order] || ''date desc''
> @order = params[:order] if params[:order]
>And then I have another method to save the data
>def save
> session[:order] = @order
>The problem is that for every method I have to execute "load" do
>stuff and then execute "save"
>like this
>def list
> load
> @resolucion_pages, @resoluciones = paginate :resolucion, :order =>
>@order, :per_page => 10
> save
>Is there some way to automatize this?
>I tried with the initialize method, but it seems like the session is not
>available on that method.
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Mikkel Bruun - Football Portal(DK) - Buy Old Stuff!(DK)
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