Hi! I''m a RoR newbie and i''m trying to make this sample code work... I must be able to choose whether or not to switch lights on/off (one light per line) <table> <% @valeurs.each do |@v| %> <tr> <td>Light <%= Light.find(@v.light_id).nom %>:</td> <td><%= radio_button(''v[]'', ''etat'', "Off") %> Off</td> <td><%= radio_button(''v[]'', ''etat'', "On") %> On</td> <td>Intensite :<%= text_field(''v[]'', ''intensite'') %></td> </tr> <% end %> </table> I understand the problem : because I use v[] as name in each radio_button, I can select only one radio_button whatever the line. But I don''t know how to address this. Kind of newbie problem I think, some help appreciated ;-) In my controller: (If no value found, I generate some values with defaults code so that the table displays correctly:) ___________________ @scenario = Scenario.find(params[:id]) @valeurs=Valeur.find_all_by_scenario_id(params[:id], :order => "light_id ASC") if (@valeurs == nil) | (@valeurs.length == 0) lights=Light.find_all lights.each do |l| @valeur = Valeur.new do |v| v.light_id = l.id v.scenario_id = params[:id] v.intensite = 0 v.etat = "Off" end @valeurs.push(@valeur) end end _______________________ Thanks again... -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.