create database "localhost:quiz_development"
PAGE_SIZE=8192 length = 1024 pages
create table userids
ID char(36) not null primary key,
name varchar (255)
create table presentations
ID char(36) not null primary key,
textvalue varchar (1024),
audio varchar (1024),
visual varchar (1024)
create table quizzes
ID char(36) not null primary key,
name varchar (255) not null,
preamble_presentation_id char(36),
postamble_presentation_id char(36),
foreign key (preamble_presentation_id) references presentations(ID),
foreign key (postamble_presentation_id) references presentations(ID)
create table questions
ID char(36) not null primary key,
PARENT_ID char(36) not null,
presentation_id char(36) not null,
seq integer not null,
foreign key (PARENT_ID) references quizzes(ID),
foreign key (presentation_id) references presentations(ID)
create unique ascending index quest_seq on questions (PARENT_ID,SEQ);
create table answers
ID char(36) not null primary key,
PARENT_ID char(36) not null,
presentation_id char(36) not null,
seq integer not null,
iscorrect char (1) default ''N'' not null,
foreign key (PARENT_ID) references questions(ID),
foreign key (presentation_id) references presentations(ID)
create unique ascending index seq on answers (PARENT_ID,SEQ);
create table quizruns
ID char(36) not null primary key,
quiz_id char(36) not null,
user_id char(36) not null,
started TIMESTAMP not null,
finished TIMESTAMP,
asked integer not null,
answered integer not null,
correct integer not null,
foreign key (quiz_id) references quizzes(ID),
foreign key (user_id) references userids(ID)
create table answerruns
ID char(36) not null primary key,
quizrun_id char(36) not null,
started TIMESTAMP not null,
finished TIMESTAMP,
answer_id char(36),
foreign key (quizrun_id) references quizruns(ID),
foreign key (answer_id) references answers(ID)
grant all on userids to quiz;
grant all on presentations to quiz;
grant all on quizzes to quiz;
grant all on questions to quiz;
grant all on answers to quiz;
grant all on quizruns to quiz;
grant all on answerruns to quiz;
On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 22:25 +0200, David wrote:> Hi,
> I am thinking about how to best design a quiz site in RoR. I think it
> should be fairly easy, but have run into a wall. In the simplest form,
> the view would grab all of the questions for a particular quiz and
> display them (e.g. multiple choice, so 4 option buttons per question).
> However, I can''t figure out how to "mark" the quiz. The
form is
> submitted to the controller, which must somehow work out whether each
> one is correct. Perhaps each option group could have some form of
> identifier that the controller looks at, makes a new "question"
> and checks "question.correct_answer" or somesuch? Once this is
> the users profile can be updated with their result (etc).
> Now if I want to display questions in a random order (say a quiz has 40
> questions, I only want 20 for a particular attempt), I can easily grab
> only 20 and jumble them up. But how does the controller know how to
> mark them? Is the idea above of having the identifier sufficient here?
> As a final question, I was considering different types of question. For
> example, a multiple choice question (so one row per option), a question
> where the user must enter a number/string (one row with the correct
> answer). The view could add a ''type'', but checking
whether a number
> answer is actually a number would suddenly come down to the controller,
> not the model. Unless of course I use different tables for different
> types of answer (so different models), or there is some sort of OOo foo
> with the model that can distinguish and have different
> validates_something tests.
> It seems that suddenly the application is not only a data-bound
> input/output site, and I''m stuck :)
> David