Try something like @user.adverts.create (params[:advert])
On 4/1/06, david <> wrote:> Hi,
> I am having issues with a one to many relationship(it never works :-)).
> Jokes aside, I am getting an error:
> Mysql::Error: #23000Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
> constraint fails: INSERT INTO adverts (`image_url`, `price`, `title`,
> `website_url`, `description`, `user_id`) VALUES(''bb'',
22.0, ''aa'',
> '''', ''bb'', 0)
> The user_id(last column) needs to be 1, and its 0
> Session dump: ---
> flash: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash {}
> :user_id: 1
> models:
> class Advert < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :user
> end
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :advert
> end
> adverts controller:
> def create
> @advert =[:advert])
> if
> flash[:notice] = ''Advert was successfully created.''
> redirect_to :action => ''list''
> else
> render :action => ''new''
> end
> end
> So its seems that the user_id is not passed into the SQL statement. Do I
> need to change my create function? What needs to be added. I thought
> Rails takes care of this type of plumbing...
> Please help.
> Here is the SQL Tables
> create table users (
> id int not null auto_increment,
> name varchar(100) not null,
> hashed_password char(40) null,
> email varchar(255) not null,
> city varchar(255) not null,
> state varchar(255) not null,
> phone varchar(255) not null,
> website varchar(255) not null,
> primary key (id)
> );
> create table adverts (
> id int not null auto_increment,
> title varchar(100) not null,
> description text not null,
> image_url varchar(200) not null,
> price decimal(10,2) not null,
> website_url varchar(255) not null,
> user_id int not null,
> constraint fk_adverts_users foreign key (user_id) references
> users(id),
> primary key (id)
> );
> --
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Jeremy Huffman