Ah damn! I missed it, I should check my mail more often...
- Warren
On Oct 28, 2005, at 2:00 PM, Rich Morin wrote:
> Wednesday''s Beer & Pizza SIG was attended by about a dozen
> plus one extremely well-dressed gentleman (no hacker he!) who was on
> the prowl for Rubyists to hire. Beer and Pizza (among other things)
> were consumed, Ruby (among other things) was discussed, and everyone
> appeared to have a good time.
> The upcoming SIG will, as announced previously, be held just up the
> street at the Delancey Street Restaurant. Note that it will be on
> a _Tuesday_ this month! Here are the details:
> Beer and T{ofu,urkey} SIG:
> RSVP: RSVPs are required for this one. Send me the
> number of folks in your party. If you are not
> on my list, you may end up eating alone!
> Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
> ======>
> Time: 8:00 pm
> Place: Delancey Street Restaurant,
> 600 Embarcadero St. (at Brannan)
> San Francisco, California, USA
> mappoint.msn.com/(fospfkrfx0dys5mkyjtj0rvu)/map.aspx?
> 600+The+Embarcadero%2c+San+Francisco%2c+CA+94107|L1|
> Food: slightly trendy American/European food; moderate
> prices
> There should be vegetarian dishes, etc.
> Parking: Unless there''s a monster baseball game, parking
> should
> be no problem after 6 pm.
> BART: Be prepared for a bit of a crowd, as this is the
> end of
> the prime commute time. Get off at the Embarcadero
> station. Within
> the station, exit BART, enter MUNI, and catch the N
> (inbound).
> Get off at the train station.
> Caltrain: (Don''t take Caltrain if you can avoid it.
> Trains run back
> at 10:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. only!)
> From the train station, walk Northeast on King to the
> restaurant.
> -r
> --
> email: rdm-go8te9J4rpw@public.gmane.org; phone: +1 650-873-7841
> cfcl.com - Canta Forda Computer Laboratory
> cfcl.com/Meta - The FreeBSD Browser, Meta Project, etc.
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