> However, as I understand acts_as_versioned the models are not synchronized
> so when I look up the permissions of an old version of the employee I have
> to manually find the corresponding version of the permissions (ie the
> version of permissions that existed when that version of employee was
> updated), and when navigating to the corresponding system from that
> permission I have to manually find the corresponding system version again.
> Have you considered doing something to make this kind of scenario more
> straightforward by providing some kind of versioning or version lookup
> across many-to-many relations like that (or generally, for related classes
> provide a lookup that finds the version and the corresponding related
> versions of related objects)?
I''m open to ideas. I have of course ran into this, but have not found
a satisfactory solution. Perhaps you could extend the way AR deals
with extensions to set and look for version as well as foreign key.
I''m open to suggestions, and patches :) The RDocs do have links to my
collaboa instance and subversion repo if you want to take a stab.
collaboa: http://collaboa.techno-weenie.net/repository/browse/acts_as_versioned
svn: http://techno-weenie.net/svn/projects/acts_as_versioned