Hey again listers-
Just incase you haven''t seen the other thread about this, we
have a great thing going on here. The kind folks at RubyConf 2005 are
making great quality recordings of the presentations right off the
sound board. Then they are uploading them to my server for anyone who
couldn''t make it to listen to!! Thanks Guys!!!
We already have the first 3 presentations uploaded and ready for
consumptions. Heres the info:
Typo Blog with downloads:> http://yhrhosting.com:7000
And rss feed:> http://yhrhosting.com:7000/xml/rss/feed.xml
Keep checking back all weekend long. I will be posting all the
presentations as they become available for the whole conference!!
-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic