On Oct 4, 2005, at 6:52 AM, Julian ''Julik'' Tarkhanov wrote:
> Hello Railers!
> Just took some time to figure out ActionMailer. It is quite lovely,
> actually, only two things bug me _alot_.
> 1. Why is url_for not aliased to the controller when ActionMailer
> gets used? I understand it from the "loose-coupling" point of
> but not from the point of practicality (you need to send this
> "verify your password" link somehow, don''t you?). I can
send the
> link to the page from the controller which triggers AM but it feels
> hackish.
Please see http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/
> 2. I am sending mail on my test machine via SMTP of my provider as
> UTF-8 and my subject line (in Russian) arrives munged in the
> mailbox. It is not decoded properly from base64. I see proper start
> of the encoded subject (''utf-8'' etc. and then
> letters) but my Mail.app just doesn''t grok it.
> What kind of "charset" configuration does AM need to send the
> properly (preferably for pure UTF8)?
This is interesting. We''ve tested utf-8-encoded subject lines (there
are unit tests for it) and I know the tests all pass. Could you send
me the utf-8 subject line you are using, so I can try to duplicate it?
- Jamis