I use this reverse gateway setup by executing ssh directly inside a thread.
All my attempts to get net-ssh forwarding working failed when running
inside a thread, for some reason. It''s a few lines in the
"update_code" task
either way, though:
Thread.new do
`ssh -n -q -C -T -R3690:localhost:3690
sleep(5) # this gives ssh some time to open the ports
Trying this inside the thread didn''t work for me:
Net::SSH.start( ''production.host'', {:username =>
''user'', :verbose =>
''debug''} ) do |session|
session.forward.remote_to( 3690, ''localhost'', 3690,
On 9/26/05, Jamis Buck <jamis-uHoyYlH2B+GakBO8gow8eQ@public.gmane.org>
> On Sep 26, 2005, at 12:35 AM, Tyler Kovacs wrote:
> > I''m using Switchtower to deploy my Rails app to webservers in
> > datacenter. The machine that executes Switchtower is also running our
> > SVN server. Unfortunately, it is behind a VPN, so the webservers
> > cannot access SVN directly. If I run SSH manually from the SVN server
> > to each web server, I can establish port-fowards allowing the
> > webservers to connect to SVN. After this is done, I can successfully
> > run switchtower to deploy my application. Ideally, I''d like
to modify
> > Switchtower''s remote_exec call so that it sets up the port
> > itself. Browsing the Net:SSH documentation, it seems like this is
> > possible, but I''m not clear on how to set this up in
Switchtower. Is
> > this already supported? If not, I can look into writing a patch.
> >
> > Note: the Switchtower docs mention gateway support, but it
> > seem to apply to this configuration.
> SwitchTower makes the assumption that your SVN repository is directly
> accessible by your target machines. If this is not the case, there is
> no easy way (currently) to do what you are wanting (as you discovered).
> The gateway setting is for when your target machines are not
> accessible by your local machine. It allows you to specify a machine
> that sits on the boundary of your VPN, through which you can tunnel
> SSH connections to your target machines. (If you can easily connect
> your local machine to your VPN, then there probably isn''t much
> for you in the gateway setting.) There isn''t currently support for
> kind of "reverse gateway", though, allowing you to tunnel
> specifically from the remote machines to an external host.
> Feel free to put together a patch that supports this, though. It
> would certainly be useful.
> - Jamis
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