Hi, Using rake with Postgresql gives the following error: psql:db/development_structure.sql:13: ERROR: must be owner of schema public I''m using the latest version of rails and postgresql 8.0 on ruby 1.8.3 (2005-06-23) [i486-linux]. The above error occurs when rake clones my dev database to test - it first came to my attention when I ran "rake" for my first unit tests. It can be recreated with the following command: "rake clone_structure_to_test" The strange thing is that when I tried to test the postgresql db using the same commands and settings from the RakeFile but through the command prompt the damn thing worked! By this I mean I issued the following commands against my tt_dev db and a clean tt_test db: pg_dump -U ttuser -s -x -O -f tt_dev.sql tt_dev [I enter the correct password] psql -U ttuser -f tt_dev.sql tt_test [I enter the correct password] The tt_dev.sql is exactly the same as development_structure.sql but I don''t get any errors concerning ownership of the schema. This seems to suggest the gremlin has crept in via ruby and/or rails. I''ve checked all my settings - and they are correct so this one has me stumped! Comments and suggestions? Regards, Nicholas