> This is a lightly tested release of my Pure Ruby SCGI Rails runner that
> should fix some bugs reported by people and make it work on win32. Problem
> is, I don''t have my (dusty) win32 box working with Ruby yet, so
testers are
> wanted. Fixers would be better, but testers will be good too.
> Grab it at:
> http://www.zedshaw.com/downloads/scgi_rails/scgi_rails-0.2.tar.bz2
Excellent work Zed, much appreciated. Just one thing though with the Win32
stuff - its probably easier for people to get at if its in Zip format rather
than tar.bz2. Most people have Winzip installed on Win32, but few I think
would have any bz2 tools or Cygwin installed.
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