I''ve read the FAQ for breakpointer, and the "Howto debug with Breakpoint in Rails", but they miss oooooone little teensy tiny detail. HOW DO I DEBUG?? (ahem. scuse me.) I have no problem *getting* the breakpoint, and connecting to it with ruby script/breakpointer. I can even display variables. I can do everything I can do with an irb prompt... which isn''t very much, because I can''t do basic things like list source, or set more breakpoints, or, well, anything at all except inspect and quit. How can I get debug.rb into context there? I tried issuing ''require "debug''" from the breakpoint prompt, but that seems to load into the context of webrick somewhere in DRb. Not so useful. There''s gotta be a way to debug a Rails app... right? -- Jay Levitt | Wellesley, MA | I feel calm. I feel ready. I can only Faster: jay at jay dot fm | conclude that''s because I don''t have a http://www.jay.fm | full grasp of the situation. - Mark Adler