Hi folks, I''ve greated a yahoo group for people interested in discussing techniques and tools for implementing Extreme Programming (yes, I wince too whenever I have to say that) practices using ruby on rails. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xp_on_rails/ List posts are public. Please feel free to browse or join the group if you are interested in this. I''ve started things off with the first of a series of articles on unit testing rails controllers (as opposed to functional testing them) by mocking out other parts of the system. Please note that the xp_on_rails serves a very different purpose to this list, and any general issues or ideas for the rails community should still be posted here. Also note that the xp_on_rails list is _definatelly_ not for discussing what extreme programming is (ask google) or whether you should use it (ask your mum), merely for existing practitioners of XP (or related agile methodologies) to share skills. thanks, Craig ps: Michael Schuerig, I''ve included a modified version of your mock ActiveRecordBase code in my article, so you may be interested to take a look. Many thanks for sharing your work.